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Author: Shindin Yuri
TwinCard - это известная игра на парное угадывание карточек. Сначала программа показывает вам некоторое время все карточки лицевой стороной, потом закрывает их. Ваша задача - открыть их все попарно. Если вторая открытая вами карта совпадает с первой, то обе они остаются открытыми на столе, если нет - то программа обе их закрывает опять. Числом карточек можно управлять (это число записано в отдельном файле). Если вы превысили текущий рекорд (минимальное число ходов на открытие всех карточкек), то программа объявит вас текущим чемпионоом.
Slovo is a well-known old word-game of school-mates and students. Playing the game requires that VB6 runtime libraries should be installed on your PC.
Both players (human and computer) choose a 5-letter word of different letters (example: watch). During the game, players tell each other such 5-letter words and  try to guess other side's word using the answers about number of matching letters. Who is the first to guess all the 5 letters, is the winner of the game.

Before the game, select a vocabulary (the game already has a 5-letter one). You can both replenish/modify it or create a new one. All words in your vocabulary should be the same length (for example, 4). On beginner levels, the human is "more clever", but on the 5-th level the computer will win.
I developed two games (just for fun and to help my son and his friend).
TwinCard is a well-known game of guessing card pairs. At first, the program demonstrates you the whole cardset (from the right side), then closes the cards face down. Your task is to open them all in pairs. If a second cards matches the previous one, then the program keeps both cards opened (guessed). If it does not, the program closes both cards face down again. You can customize the number of cards for game (by editing their quantity in the separate file). Igа you beat the current record (which is thye minimal number of steps to guess all the cards), then the program declares you the champion. The interface is Russian.
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